Automatic release upgrades in Erlang
Automate your Erlang release upgrades using rebar3 all the way to the gen_server state conversion.
In this article i’ll demonstrate the use of a rebar3 plugin for handling .appup
files that contain the instructions necessary to upgrade from one release to another. It supports the following features:
- Automatic generation of the
file containing instructions necessary to upgrade and downgrade from one release version to the other. [1] - Validation of any
files that might be present, this is a script that can contain Erlang code. It is evaluated and it’s results are written to an.appup
file that is then moved to the target dir. [2] - Automatic code injection for
state record conversion between versions. [3] - Automatically generated module dependencies. [4]
Application upgrade generation
This is achieved by first generating two releases, the one that is live right now and the one that we want to upgrade to, we then invoke the plugin and have it generate a special .appup
file that OTP knows how to process in order to generate a release upgrade file (relup
). This file contains low level Erlang VM instructions that will transition the Erlang application from one version to another without any downtime.
Using rebar3 the most simple flow necessary to generate the .appup
files is:
- Checkout the original version (the one that is running in production right now)
rebar3 release
in order to generate that release- Checkout the version you wish to upgrade to
rebar3 release
again in order to generate the destination version release- We now have both version releases (source and destination), run the generate command:
rebar3 appup generate
(since there are only two versions there is no ambiguity), an.appup
file is generated containing the necessary instructions to upgrade/downgrade between versions. - Now that we are in the possession of the
we can ask rebar3 to generate the relup:rebar3 relup
- Finally pack the resulting release into a tarball that is ready to be deployed to production:
rebar3 tar
Using the example relapp1 release (this app is also used for the plugin’s regression tests):
$ git clone relapp1
# checkout the original version that it's running
# somewhere live
$ git checkout 1.0.11
$ rebar3 release
# checkout the version with the hotfix we need to deploy
$ git checkout 1.0.12
$ rebar3 release
# generate the .appup that contains the necessary
# instructions for the upgrade from 1.0.11 to 1.0.12
# and the downgrade from 1.0.12 to 1.0.11
$ rebar3 appup generate
$ ===> Generated appup ("1.0.11" <-> "1.0.12") for relapp in
$ "_build/default/lib/relapp/ebin/relapp.appup"
# generate the relup which essentially takes the appup
# instructions and translates them to lower level
# VM instructions
$ rebar3 relup
# finally generate a tarball with the 1.0.12 upgrade that
# is ready for deployment
$ rebar3 tar
The application upgrade format
In the previous example the appup that is generated looks like this:
%% appup generated for relapp by rebar3_appup_plugin ("2016/08/18 16:00:18")
The appup doc tells us that the acceptable format for an .appup
[{UpFromVsn, UpgradeInstructions}, ...],
[{DownToVsn, DowngradeInstructions}, ...]}.
So in this case we see that to upgrade from version 1.0.11
to 1.0.12
we need to update the relapp_srv2
module which is actually a gen_server
process. The same update needs to occur to downgrade from 1.0.12
to 1.0.11
Deploying the upgrade
Deploying the new version is also straightforward, it involves (after ssh’ing into the live machine):
- Creating a new folder beneath `releases for the version you’re upgrading to
- Copying the new tarball to that folder without the version in it’s filename (ie. relapp-1.0.12.tar.gz becomes relapp.tar.gz)
- Issue the upgrade/downgrade command
In the case of the example release upgrading from 1.0.11 to 1.0.12:
$ cd <live_release_dir>
$ mkdir releases/1.0.12
$ cp relapp-1.0.12.tar.gz releases/1.0.12/relapp.tar.gz
$ bin/relapp upgrade 1.0.12
Soft vs Brutal purge
In the update
and load_module
directives there is a parameter that specifies the type of purge that the Erlang VM will apply when loading code. There are two phases when a purge is aplplied: pre and post purge and two types of purge: soft and brutal, according to the doc:
Defaults to brutal_purge. It controls what action to take with
processes executing old code before loading the new module
If the value is brutal_purge, the processes are killed.
If the value is soft_purge, release_handler:install_release/1
returns {error,{old_processes,Mod}}.
Defaults to brutal_purge. It controls what action to take with
processes that are executing old code when the new module
version has been loaded. If the value is brutal_purge, the code
is purged when the release is made permanent and the processes
are killed. If the value is soft_purge, the release handler
purges the old code when no remaining processes execute the
A good example of this behaviour in practice is in a test app commit, in this example relapp_m1
(a simple library module) sends an anonymous function to the relapp_srv2
that will store in it’s state. If you look into it you will see something like this:
Now what happens if we load a new version of relapp_m1
? This is where the purge option comes into play, a brutal_purge
will kill the gen server process, that might not be the ideal method since the supervisor’s restart intensity could be reached, perhaps in this case a soft_purge
should be chosen instead and then manually restart the gen server or supervisor tree. As a general rule it is best not to send functions across processes if this is to be avoided.
Using an .appup.src
You can generate the .appup
file every time you pack a release upgrade with the rebar3 appup generate
call. However when there is the need to add custom data or instructions to the .appup
it’s useful to have it in source control alongside your .app.src
file. The .appup.src
file can contain Erlang code and it’s result should be a valid appup Erlang term.
The plugin will search for any files ending in .appup.src
, evaluate them and The plugin will look for any files ending in .appup.src
, evaluate them and have their results written to an .appup
file that will then be used to generate the relup. The last term for the expression in this file should a properly formatted .appup
Here is a simple example of this in practice in the relapp test release:
Version = "1.0.17",
{ok, V} = relapp_m1:test("1.0.16"),
UpFrom = DownTo = V,
Note that we are able to invoke methods in our codebase (ie. the relapp_m1
State conversion through code injection
Use of records to contain a gen_server
’s state is widespread in Erlang. Due to the fact that records are in fact just tuples a problem arises when performing relups between release versions that involve state changes. There must be a way of converting between to two records. Several solutions are available to overcome this:
Manual conversion
The most simple way is just taking the old record that arrives through code_change
and by making several erlang:setelement/2
calls, convert the old tuple to the new one. You are in fact just converting one tuple into another. This is a bit of a hackish solution, but it works.
Record conversion using exprecs
Ulf Wiger’s excellent project parse_trans contains a parse_transform called exprecs that generates methods to manipulate your exported records, one interesting method is '#convert'
which (as the name implies) converts one record to another. It needs the following to work:
- Requesting the parse_transform to process your
file.-compile({parse_transform, exprecs}).
- Declaring a record with the same definition as your previous version
state, so assuming your gen_server’s state record is calledstate
you would need to declare astate__VSN
record where VSN is the oldgen_server
’s version as specified through the-vsn
directive (obtained through theModule:module_info(attributes)
call). - Inform exprecs that we want to generate methods for the
- Invoking the expecs convert method in
callback to migrate from the old version of the record to the new one.{NewState, _} = Module:'#convert-'(VSN, OldState).
Here is a simple example snippet with the relevant entries:
%% this is the current gen_server version, the one we want to
%% upgrade from is 1.0.0
%% ask exprecs to apply the parse transform to this file
-compile({parse_transform, exprecs}).
%% below is the previous state record definition with a new
%% name containing it's version, it only has one field.
%% Do note that in the 1.0.0 version the record is still
%% named 'state', the renaming to 'state__1.0.0' is just
%% so that exprecs is able to distinguish between versions
-record('state__1.0.0', {
id = 0 :: non_neg_integer(),
%% this is our new state record definition
%% as you can see, we've added a new name field to it
-record(state, {
id = 0 :: non_neg_integer(),
name = <<>> :: binary()
%% ask the exprecs parse transform to generate it's methods
%% for our state record on compilation
%% pattern match on a requested code_change from module
%% version 1.0.0 to 1.0.1
code_change("1.0.0", OldState, Extra) ->
lager:debug("code change from 1.0.0 version has been "
lager:debug(" extra: ~p", [Extra]),
{NewState, _} = m:'#convert-'("1.0.0", OldState),
{ok, NewState};
will look at the OldState
tuple to determine the record name, append the version suffix and convert from the old record structure to the new one while maintaining old values.
Plugin code injection
This plugin offers the choice of injecting the necessary code in gen_server:code_change/3
that takes care of record migration from the old version to the new. The plugin will be called into action when the new version tarball is being generated (hence the tar
provider hook in rebar.config
), it will:
- Scan the
file forgen_server
’s’ that need upgrade - Check for the existence of the
directive. This informs the plugin of two things: the user wants it to perform the code injection and the name of the record that represents the state. An example can be found here. - Extract
information from the source and destination releases- Abstract code
- State record definition abstract code
- State record fields structure
- It will then inject code into the
’s destination beam file:- The old state record abstract code, so that it know about the previous version record definition.
- A method that is in charge of performing the conversion of the state record between the two versions.
- An invocation of the above method at the beginning of
. This call will be the very first instruction ofcode_change
, so from the user’s point of view the state record is already converted when the code change method is called, the old state is kept in theExtra
variable as the tuple{old_state, OldState}
Conversion method
The Erlang code that performs the conversion can be found in priv/templates/convert.tpl
, based on a proplist of named record fields for the old and new versions it uses erlang:setelement/3
and erlang:element/2
to populate a new version record, new record fields are filled out with record defaults, updated fields are copied, renaming fields is not supported.
gen_server:code_change hook injection
In priv/templates/convert_call.tpl
you can also see the call that is injected into the beginning of the code_change
method, it simply is a call to the conversion method making sure that the original variable names are kept and setting them to their new values.
Module dependencies
OTP allows you to define a list of module dependencies that each upgraded module is dependent on, as described in the upgrade instructions doc:
Defaults to [] and defines other modules that Mod is
dependent on. In the relup file, instructions for suspending
processes using Mod come before instructions for suspending
processes using modules in DepMods when upgrading, and
conversely when downgrading. In case of circular dependencies,
the order of the instructions in the appup file is kept.
The plugin generates these dependencies list for you by using the xref
tool, for each generated module in the .appup
the plugin performs an xref:analyze/2
that yields a list of modules that it makes calls to, this list is then intersected with the modules being upgraded and added to the relevant entries in the .appup