Luis Rascão

Backend Developer @ Miniclip

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6 December 2020

K8s Erlang configuration

Kubernetes offers us a cool way of running Erlang services in the cloud, however there are some hurdles to neet to be overcome. This will hopefully be #1 in a series of posts where i’ll be going through some aspects of running the Erlang VM in k8s.

Getting started

Configuration in Erlang is hard, you have to know quite a bit of Erlang syntax to write it and it’s easy to get confused with all the lists and the tuples. That’s why basho developers (of Riak fame) came up with cuttlefish, a tool that deals with all the complexity of the Erlang configuration by exposing to the end user a simple sysctl.conf syntax style file. An Erlang developer does the hard work of exposing this simple interface to the non-Erlang user, instead of both having to share the complexity, I’ve written a rebar3 plugin that proposes to ease this workflow with a (hopefully) clean interface.

Before jumping into too much detail of how to achieve this, let me show you the end result. The following is a partial kubernetes deployment yaml file for a simple Erlang web service listening for requests on port 8585 (full version at the repo).

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
      app: simple-web-service
        app: simple-web-service
        - name: simple-web-service
          image: simple-web-server:latest
            - containerPort: 8585
              cpu: "500m"
              memory: "250Mi"
              cpu: "2000m"
              memory: "1Gi"
            - name: vol-redis-conf
              mountPath: /srv/service/etc/conf.d/redis.conf
              subPath: redis.conf
            - name: vol-redis-password-conf
              mountPath: /srv/service/etc/conf.d/redis-password.conf
              subPath: redis-password.conf
            - name: vol-erlang-vm
              mountPath: /srv/service/etc/conf.d/erlang-vm-k8s.conf
              subPath: erlang-vm-k8s.conf
            - name: vol-erlang-vm-downwardapi
              mountPath: /srv/service/etc/conf.d/erlang-vm-total-schedulers
              subPath: erlang-vm-total-schedulers
            - name: vol-erlang-vm-downwardapi
              mountPath: /srv/service/etc/conf.d/erlang-vm-total-memory
              subPath: erlang-vm-total-memory
        - name: vol-redis-conf
            name: conf.simple-web-server.redis
        - name: vol-redis-password-conf
            secretName: secret-redis-password
        - name: vol-erlang-vm
            name: conf.simple-web-server.erlang-vm
        - name: vol-erlang-vm-downwardapi
              - path: erlang-vm-total-schedulers
                  containerName: simple-web-service
                  resource: limits.cpu
                  divisor: 1
              - path: erlang-vm-total-memory
                  containerName: simple-web-service
                  resource: limits.memory
                  divisor: 1Mi

Looking past the rest of the k8s fields in the yaml, notice how in volumeMounts several files are being mounted onto a /srv/service/etc/conf.d/ directory. This is configuration that is being injected into the container’s storage that is to be consumed by the Erlang application.

Application configuration

Our simple web server uses redis as the caching layer of data that is being fetched from dynamodb. We need to inform the Erlang application of it’s location so it is able to connect to it. We start off by declaring a binary data configMap that contains a host and a port (source).

The redis host and port are mentioned in the redis deployment yaml name field.

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: conf.simple-web-server.redis
  redis.conf: | = redis
    redis.port = 6379

Next up is creating a volume that is based off of this configMap

        - name: vol-redis-conf
            name: conf.simple-web-server.redis

Next up is making this configMap available as a volume mount so it becomes available to the Erlang application running inside the container.

        - name: vol-redis-conf
          mountPath: /srv/service/etc/conf.d/redis.conf
          subPath: redis.conf

This .conf file is automatically picked up and will override any other existing and redis.port definitions. With the correct endpoint made available the application will have no problem connecting to the redis server.

Application secrets

Another typical pattern is secret management, this is also offered by k8s. We normally want these secrets to be hidden from everyone but made available in cleartext to the Erlang application. We’ll use a redis password as a use case for this, let’s go through the steps to achieve it.

First thing is enabling client password authentication in redis itself, to do this we’ll change a bit our redis deployment.

We’ll add our own custom redis.conf and enable the requirepass directive:

# Require clients to issue AUTH <PASSWORD> before processing any other
# commands.  This might be useful in environments in which you do not trust
# others with access to the host running redis-server.
# This should stay commented out for backward compatibility and because most
# people do not need auth (e.g. they run their own servers).
# Warning: since Redis is pretty fast an outside user can try up to
# 150k passwords per second against a good box. This means that you should
# use a very strong password otherwise it will be very easy to break.
requirepass Pa$$w0rd

Use kubectl builtin kustomize feature to build out a configMap out of the full redis.conf file (source).

  - name: redis-conf
      - redis.conf

  disableNameSuffixHash: true

Applying it is pretty simple as well (-k will look for kustomization.yaml files in the specified directory and apply them):

$ kubectl apply -k .

This configMap that contains the redis.conf now needs to be made available to redis in some container directory, we’ll just apply the same formula from the previous application configuration section:

Create the volume:

        - name: redis-conf
            name: redis-conf

Mount it:

      - name: redis-conf
        mountPath: /etc/redis.conf
        subPath: redis.conf

Finally tell redis what directory to read it from (source):

      - redis-server
      - /etc/redis.conf

Now that our redis is set to use a client password we need to configure our application to supply this password upon connection, this is where k8s secrets come in, we’ll start off by creating a .conf file with our redis secret password in it. (If you version control this file you’ll probably want to keep it encrypted, i like transcrypt for this).

redis.password = Pa$$w0rd

Let’s leverage kustomize again and build out a k8s secret out of the password file (source):

  - name: secret-redis-password
      - redis-password.conf

  disableNameSuffixHash: true

Now rinse and repeat the same volume, volumeMount procedure from above:

        - name: vol-redis-password-conf
            secretName: secret-redis-password
        - name: vol-redis-password-conf
          mountPath: /srv/service/etc/conf.d/redis-password.conf
          subPath: redis-password.conf

At this point you’ll end up with two files in your /srv/service/etc/conf.d container directory that contain the necessary configuration for a successful connection to a password protected redis.

Erlang VM configuration

Another important bit is the configuration of the Erlang VM itself, note the resources entry in the deployment yaml. does a much better job of explaining how container resources interact with the Erlang VM so i won’t go into that here. Suffice to say that we’re requesting k8s for a set amount of CPU/memory while at the same time setting upper boundaries for these same resources:

              cpu: "500m"
              memory: "250Mi"
              cpu: "2000m"
              memory: "1Gi"

Next we’re mounting two volumes in the simple-web-service pod, one built out of a configMap and the other using the downward API: We’re mounting these two files under /srv/service/etc/conf.d/, all files under this directory will get included and considered as configuration the same as the previous redis case, it’s just that it’s for the Erlang VM itself this time.

            - name: vol-erlang-vm
              mountPath: /srv/service/etc/conf.d/erlang-vm-k8s.conf
              subPath: erlang-vm-k8s.conf
            - name: vol-erlang-vm-downwardapi
              mountPath: /srv/service/etc/conf.d/erlang-vm-total-schedulers
              subPath: erlang-vm-total-schedulers
            - name: vol-erlang-vm-downwardapi
              mountPath: /srv/service/etc/conf.d/erlang-vm-total-memory
              subPath: erlang-vm-total-memory
        - name: vol-erlang-vm
            name: conf.simple-web-server.erlang-vm
        - name: vol-erlang-vm-downwardapi
              - path: erlang-vm-total-schedulers
                  containerName: simple-web-service
                  resource: limits.cpu
                  divisor: 1
              - path: erlang-vm-total-memory
                  containerName: simple-web-service
                  resource: limits.memory
                  divisor: 1Mi

Let’s take a look into the downwardAPI first, this k8s feature allows to access pod/container fields, in this case we’re obtaining the CPU limit defined in the simple-web-service container.

This value will get dumped into a erlang-vm-total-schedulers file. The volumeMount field then requests k8s to mount the file at /srv/service/etc/conf.d/erlang-vm-total-schedulers. Same thing applies to erlang-vm-total-memory.

Moving on to the configMap, here we’re declaring a .conf file that contains these two relevant Erlang VM parameters to k8s.

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: conf.simple-web-server.erlang-vm
  erlang-vm-k8s.conf: |
    ## all parameters are available at
    ## Sets scheduler busy wait threshold. Defaults to medium.
    ## The threshold determines how long schedulers are to busy wait when
    ## running out of work before going to sleep.
    ## Note: This flag can be removed or changed at any time without prior notice.
    ## Acceptable values:
    ##   - one of: none, very_short, short, medium, long, very_long
    erlang.sbwt = none

    ## Sets the number of scheduler threads to create and scheduler threads to set online.
    ## The maximum for both values is 1024.
    ## If the Erlang runtime system is able to determine the number of logical processors
    ## configured and logical processors available,
    ## Schedulers defaults to logical processors configured, and SchedulersOnline defaults to
    ## logical processors available; otherwise the default values are 1.
    ## If the emulator detects that it is subject to a CPU quota, the default value for
    ## SchedulersOnline will be limited accordingly.
    ## Schedulers can be omitted if :SchedulerOnline is not and conversely.
    ## The number of schedulers online can be changed at runtime through
    ## erlang:system_flag(schedulers_online, SchedulersOnline).
    ## If Schedulers or SchedulersOnline is specified as a negative number, the value is
    ## subtracted from the default number of logical processors configured or logical
    ## processors available, respectively.
    ## Specifying value 0 for Schedulers or SchedulersOnline resets the number of scheduler
    ## threads or scheduler threads online, respectively, to its default value.
    ## Acceptable values:
    ##   - an integer = $(<erlang-vm-total-schedulers)

Putting it all together

So it’s now time for you, Erlang developer, to make the previous interaction possible in your application. Now let’s make use of the rebar3_scuttler plugin, the steps nededed do make this happen are better explained in the project’s README, here i’ll just highlight some of the relevant details related to the simple_web_server project.

Below is a rebar.config snippet where we’re informing the plugin of where to read the non-Erlang configuration from, if no file is present at the start, one is generated out of the defaults you declared in the .schema file(s).

{scuttler, [
    % this is the human readable .conf file that the users of your application
    % will understand and edit in order to change configuration parameters,
    % it's location is relative to the root dir of the release
    % (ie. alongside bin, releases, etc)
    {conf_file, "etc/simple_web_server.conf"},

Next up is another snippet from rebar.config instructing the plugin to do two things:

  1. generate an Erlang VM args file to releases/{release_version}/vm.generated.args based on the parameters declared in the .conf file(s) (etc/simple_web_server.conf in this example).
  2. search all .schema files in priv/schemas and copy them over to generated release at releases/{release_version}/schema, on release start generate a "releases/{release_version}/config/generated/user_defined.config" file based on settings declared at the .conf file(s)
{schemas, [
           {vm_args, "releases/{release_version}/vm.generated.args"},
           {"priv/schemas", "releases/{release_version}/schema",

Here is the cuttlefish schema that maps the .conf parameters to the Erlang-specific sys.config ones for the configuration of the eredis application:

%% @doc Redis host
{mapping, "", "", [
    {datatype, string},
    {default, ""}

%% @doc Redis port
{mapping, "redis.port", "eredis.port", [
    {datatype, integer},
    {default, }

%% @doc Redis password
{mapping, "redis.password", "eredis.password", [
    {datatype, string}

The final two things that are missing are adding the pre start hook and including the generated files. After this is in place here’s the flow of what will happen the next time you start the simple_web_server release:
