Luis Rascão

Backend Developer @ Miniclip

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14 January 2021

EKS SSO authentication

This is a short post on how to configure EKS authentication with AWS Federated Logins (Single Sign On).

awscli SSO

After having your SSO configured and being able to log in to the AWS console you’ll also want to be able to use the awscli, for that you’ll need an entry similar to this one in your .aws/config file:

[profile sso-profile]
sso_start_url =
sso_region = us-east-1
sso_account_id = account-id
sso_role_name = role-name
region = us-west-2

The parameters you’ll want to change are:

Setting up is also straightforward:

$ aws sso login --profile sso-profile

You can now look up the role-name in your AWS IAM console, its ARN you’ll look something like this:


Notice the aws-reserved/ bit, this will be relevant further ahead.


awsvault is a great tool to help you manage your AWS credentials/profiles, it’s easy to get it up and running. Once installed it will consult your .aws/config and manage the credentials of those profiles for you, the list command gives you the list of profiles and associated credentials:

$ aws-vault list

Adding credentials for the SSO profile is a matter of:

$ aws-vault login sso-profile

This should open up your browser and perform the authentication, after that you’re able to use it with any awscli commands:

$ aws-vault exec sso-profile -- aws sts get-caller-identity
    "UserId": user-id,
    "Account": account-id,
    "Arn": "arn:aws:sts::account-id:assumed-role/AWSReservedSSO_role-id_id/user-id"

On MacOS, aws-vault stores it’s secrets in ~/Library/Keychains/aws-vault.keychain-db, you’ll probably want to open that file with Keychain Access tool should you ever need to delete things manually.

EKS credentials

Now that we have our aws-vault working we can apply it to Kubernetes authentication, let’s give it a spin:

$ aws-vault exec sso-profile -- aws-iam-authenticator token --cluster-id eks-cluster-name --cache
{"kind": "ExecCredential", "apiVersion": "", "spec": {}, "status": {"expirationTimestamp": "2021-01-14T10:42:37Z", "token": bearer-token}}

Notice the JSON reply, it is an ExecCredential k8s resource, this is the expected output format of whatever you add to your ~/.kube/config file. aws-iam-authenticator is an app maintained by Kubernetes that takes care of this for us.

Below is an entry of ~/.kube/config, users section with the relevant changes:

- name: user-entry-name
      command: aws-vault
      - exec
      - sso-profile
      - --
      - aws-iam-authenticator
      - token
      - --cluster-id
      - eks-cluster-name
      - --cache

EKS aws-auth

Final thing left to do is informing the EKS cluster that this role is allowed to perform operations in the cluster, this is the tricky bit, to do that we’ll need to edit a ConfigMap in the cluster. This means you’ll need to already have access to the cluster, hopefully whoever created the cluster is around to help you in this part:

$ kubectl edit configmap aws-auth —namespace kube-system

The relevant bit to add is beneath data, mapRoles. Important thing to notice is the roleArn field and the fact that it doesn’t contain the aws-reserved/ i mentioned at the beginning of the post. You’ll need to remove that otherwise you won’t be able to authenticate successfully (no idea why is that).

apiVersion: v1
  mapRoles: |
    - rolearn: arn:aws:iam::account-id:role/AWSReservedSSO_role-name_id
      username: some-k8s-username
      - system:masters

And that’s it, on MacOS now and then aws-vault will request you to unlock the Keychain but that’s about it.
